On 29th January we ran two sixth form events with students from across our six schools in a partnerships double bill. Peer Support Leads from each school came together for a presentation from Peter Whitten about peer mentoring with a focus on mentoring in the workplace. Students discussed the benefits and challenges of peer mentoring and the need for empathy over sympathy. They also learnt several useful mnemonics to support their sessions with younger students. The PSLs worked in groups to role play several scenarios and discuss how they would go about offering support. The PSL programme runs through the year and is a valuable support to pastoral programmes in each school. The students value coming together for training and reflection sessions regularly throughout the year.

Meanwhile, Y12 Academic Coaches met for the first time online to take part in leadership and coaching training ahead of the programme. The Coaches will work with younger students from across schools to support them with academic targets, sessions will run for a series of weeks once training is complete.