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We are looking forward to running the Business Language Challenge for the third  year as part of the OX14 Learning Partnership. The event received excellent feedback from students who were involved from across our schools last year. 
Date: Tuesday 12th November (all day), Charles Maude Room, Abingdon School 
9 – 3.30pm
Y10/11 Linguists to be accompanied by a member of staff 
This event will be an opportunity for students studying GCSE French, German or Spanish to work together to complete several challenges.
We are inviting up to 12 students from each school to attend the day, we would welcome language students in Y10 or 11  who are also interested in business and international marketing and selling.
The day will include:
  • A marketing and selling challenge
  • A keynote talk
  • Lunch
  • A presentation by students using their target language
  • An opportunity to talk to international business people

We hope this event will be of interest to you and your students,Teachers please register via the form here  by October 14th.

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